The practice exam software has a large bank of questions to draw from.

The exam is timed and designed to simulate the type of questions you might encounter on the actual exam. Included are exercises, practice questions and an exam simulation which are intended to instill the knowledge users should have in order to pass the certification exam.Īlso included with this book is a complete practice exam for the Revit Architecture Certified Professional. This book is the most comprehensive and thorough preparation for this exam available. This book will get you up to speed quickly on the nature of the exam and its questions so you will know exactly what to expect on exam day. The author brings years of professional experience with Revit as well as wisdom gleaned from preparing her students for the Autodesk Certified Professional exam to provide you with step-by-step instruction and valuable information you’ll want to know before taking the exam.

This fast-paced book will get you ready for the certification exam quickly with fun and easy to follow instructions, covering everything from masses to views to documentation. There is time to do it while you read through the exam rules before starting the actual exam.Autodesk Revit 2024 Architecture Certified Professional Exam Study Guide is geared toward users who have been using Autodesk Revit for at least six months and are ready to pursue their official Autodesk Revit certification. The next thing is, the desktop which you write use to write your exam might not be the fastest desktop ever, so I generally open the exam files prior to opening the exam. To increase your proficiency/speed is to learn Revit Shortcuts early on, or start using them. One of the top reasons why people fail the exams is due to time management in the exams.